Commonly Requested Forms
The following documents can be downloaded right at home for your convenience. If you’re not sure what form you need just ask, we’re happy to help!
An Authorization to Administer Medicine form in required before we can administer any sort of medication for your child. When you bring in this form and the medication that it pertains to be sure to notify your child’s teacher of the need for the medication. This for is needed for all prescription medication, over-the-counter or lotions, ointments, even chapsticks. Only page 2 must be completed and returned.
We need an Alternate Arrival/Release form on file if your child will be arriving at or leaving the center by way of bus, taxi, cab or carpool. If your child is arriving or leaving the center with a parent/guardian or other person listed as an authorized pick up person on the enrollment form this form is not needed.
Please print off and take a Child Health Report with you when you take your child to see his or her physician. Per DCF regulation, we need an updated health report filed every 6 months for children under 2 and every 2 years for children over 2 years old. If you have your physician complete this form each time you see him, your child’s file will always be up-to-date! Also, remember to ask for a print out of your child’s most recent immunization report when you visit.